Jun 14 2011
Steve Wohlberg Answers Rapture Questions
Steve Wohlberg Answers Rapture Questions – “I used to believe in the Rapture. When those “Left Behind” books came out, I was the first to run to the store to buy. Each time the author came out with the next book, I bought that too. Finally, when I got to the 10th book, I became frustrated because I got tired of this subject not having a final end. So one day, I decided to search the scriptures myself to find what the end would be like. The more I researched the Bible, the more I saw the errors of those books I had bought. I began to pray and ask the Lord to show me the truth. If there is such a thing as a Rapture, reveal it to me. I do not remember how I came across Steve Wohlberg’s book, End Time Delusions, but I think the title caught my attention. Anyway, I purchased the book and went through it using the scriptures. In the very first chapter, Steve answered many of the questions I had. The next chapter, he opened my eyes to questions I should be asking Rapture believing Christians. By the time I got to the end of the book, I knew that the Rapture was all a lie.
Oct 4 2010
Jeff Kyle: My Steve Wohlberg Testimony
Over the years, my family and I have been members of the Mennonite church, the Assemblies of God and various non-denominational churches. Our background had been mostly charismatic and our end times understanding followed the Left Behind “doctrine.” Even though we belonged to some very different denominations, they were all teaching pretty much the same “end time” scenario.
By Jeff Kyle • jesus is savior, steve wohlberg • Tags: bible, jesus is savior, left behind, steve wohlberg